Learning Spanish whilst doing internships in one of the companies we collaborate with is the best option for your CV.
1.- Specific Spanish course, adapted to your level, aimed at your needs and with complementary activities that introduce you to the city and its culture.
2.- The companies selected are the best in their sector; real work experience supervised by professionals with a lot of experience who will help you to adapt to, and carry out, your tasks.
3.-Total immersion in the city: continuing to have contact with the school, you are going to get to know the cuisine, the museums, the city´s most interesting zones, its parties, and its people. In your assigned company you are going to have your first contact with the city’s business hub so you can continue growing as a professional.
4.- Bilbao is a cosmopolitan city: it stands out for its ease in commuting; its public transport is a good option (metro, tranvía, autobus…). Its architecture attracts attention due to its variety of different buildings from very diverse eras. The Nervión River boasts lovely walks nearby and the museums on its banks are characterised by their variety of styles and accessibility. You will discover all of this by wandering around Bilbao.
5.- You are going to grow as a person with this unique experience.
Take a look at your options at European Internships
We offer a selection of Spanish schools that offer great Spanish courses in Spain at reasonable price. Our Quality Spanish courses are accredited by Instituto Cervantes.
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