Closeteachers is putting on an amazing summer camp for children from the ages of 8 to 15, where they can learn horseriding and English.
As part of our summer courses, your children will have daily English classes with qualified teachers, and they will find themselves improving their English in a entertaining, relaxed and very pleasant environment. This is a great opportunity for our students who can forge great friendships with children from other countries who attend our courses to learn Spanish.
The horseriding teachers at our horse ranch (situated in the surroundings of the national park of Valderejo) have a lot of experience working with children, and because of their years in the field, are the most suitable to introduce your children to this sport. During our summer courses the young ones will learn how to respect, get to know and look after the animals.
Horseriding is a fundamental sport which allows your children to improve their motor skills, their balance and their sense of direction.
We will help foster a sense of responsibility and respect towards animals and nature in them. At the same time, the course participants will become more self-confident, will concentrate easier and will be more disciplined.
If you are looking for a summer activity for your children, don’t hesitate to consult us and book them a place.
We offer a selection of Spanish schools that offer great Spanish courses in Spain at reasonable price. Our Quality Spanish courses are accredited by Instituto Cervantes.
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