Our Spanish schools do not only offer face-to-face Spanish classes, but also a wide range of free activities: museum visits, wine tastings, excursions, cinema trips, exhibitions, samplings of local cuisine, sport activities etc.
As for me personally, it is essential that our students take part in these activities as merely living in a Spanish city and going to classes does not guarantee complete immersion in the language.
The students need to eat, breathe and sleep Spanish and practise the language every day but in different settings, in order to pick up different vocabulary and skills. It is the only way to achieve total immersion. Therefore, it is vital that the students make the most of this opportunity provided by our Spanish schools.
The students who improve are without a doubt those who combine their needs with investment. That is to say, those who need to learn Spanish (in order to easily settle here, to go to university, to be able to go out for tapas and order a round), and those who see the language as an investment for their fututre (better work conditions, personal growth, a future in South America etc).
Do not hesitate any longer. If you are thinking about doing a Spanish course in Spain, choose our schools. They don’t only offer the best experience in the classroom, but also the best after-school activities.
We offer a selection of Spanish schools that offer great Spanish courses in Spain at reasonable price. Our Quality Spanish courses are accredited by Instituto Cervantes.
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