Nowadays there is no doubt that millions of schools exist that offer different language courses.
In a market with so much choice what factors do you need to consider when choosing a Spanish course?
In this article we are going to examine these factors and the questions which arise to see why you should choose a course with SchoolsandCourses.
1. Where do you want to spend your time abroad?
When thinking about the possibility of doing a Spanish course a student might investigate the options in the principal Spanish cities: Madrid and Barcelona are usually popular cities among students. However if you choose the most well known cities you run the risk of missing the exciting experiences that exist in other regions of Spain.
Nobody offers as many cities as SchoolsandCourses. From Bilbao to Seville you have a wide range of Spanish courses at your fingertips with Closeteachers. Simply search for the SchoolsandCourses website on the Internet and all our courses and offers are available at the click of a button!
2. How much does the course cost?
You should be careful with the price. There are courses which charge a lot of money and which pretend to offer a high quality course but in reality they do not meet the students´ expectations. A course with SchoolsandCourses guarantees you quality. The name SchoolsandCourses is synonymous with professionalism, quality and security.
With one of our courses all students get more for their money; we have discounts of 10%. You are going to save yourself money which you can use to explore the beautiful cities in Spain.
3. Where are you going to stay?
This factor is often one of the most important for Spanish students. In the same way as the price it is necessary to tred carefully. Many schools offer accommodation but sometimes they do not reveal the added costs and the images of the flats online are not real. With Closeteachers the accommodation is based on several principles: flexibility, good value for money , choice and security.
There are an endless number of opportunities from a host family to a shared apartment. All the options allow Spanish students to integrate into the city where they are studying. You can also combine some of the options with stays of more than four months.
4. Are materials included?
With some courses the schools do not include materials which means that the students have to spend a lot of money buying expensive resources. With SchoolsandCourses all the courses provide free and high quality materials. Furthermore, often the schools are open all day and have resource banks(articles, audiovisual materials etc) so that the students can continue improving their knowledge of the language outside the classroom.
5. I live in a country very far from Spain but I want to do a Spanish course?
With a lot of companies the answer to this question is too bad! At SchoolsandCourses and Closeteachers we offer the solution. At Cursos de español online and My spanish courses online we offer Spanish courses via skype not only with the same quality of materials but also with the same good value for money.
In conclusion, in this article we have considered the reasons why you should choose a course with SchoolsandCourses , CloseTeachers, my spanish courses online and cursos de español online. If you have any questions consult the SchoolsandCourses website. We promise that you will not regret doing a course in our schools.
We offer a selection of Spanish schools that offer great Spanish courses in Spain at reasonable price. Our Quality Spanish courses are accredited by Instituto Cervantes.
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